Assess, Plan, Do, Review:
The Graduated Approach
At Ankermoor we believe that all children can thrive. We know that the best way to support our children is through the Graduated Approach. This means that all children will receive the support that they need and will be able to flourish. We pride ourselves on working with our families to ensure that we do what's best for our children.
What is the Graduated Approach to SEND support?
The Graduated approach to SEND support is a four part approach, which is based on ensuring we provide the support your child needs in the right areas for them.
We will take action to remove barriers to learning and put into place effective special educational provision.
A graduated approach will be undertaken which draws upon the four part cycle Assess, Plan, Do, Review, with actions revisited, refined and revised building on a growing understanding of your child's needs and the support needed in helping them to make good progress.
Each stage of support builds on the good practice of the previous stages. This will lead to an approach in which increasing levels of support are provided where necessary and appropriate:
- Quality First Teaching for All children and young people
- Some support
- Lots of support
- Exceptional support
Quality First Teaching
High quality teaching, scaffolded for individual learners, is the first step in responding to children and young people who have or may have SEND. High expectations are set by teachers for every learner whatever their prior attainment. Our teachers and support staff have regular training sessions to support them to be able to provide Quality First Teaching for all children. Every child will have access to Quality First Teaching.
Some Support
If, despite quality first teaching that takes the above into account, there are still concerns, teaching staff will consider putting some additional support in place. This may be small group work or interventions and you and your child will be made fully aware what these are, why your child is having them and the intended outcome. Most children with SENd will receive this level of support.
Lots of Support
Few children will require support at this level. This is the level of support where your child may need bespoke support, they may spend a period of time at a specialist provision and the remainder of their time at Ankermoor, or they need to have dedicated support from members of staff.
Exceptional Support
In following the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle and implementing the advice from specialist services, it is envisaged that very few children will require an Education Health and Care Assessment and Plan. The referral for an EHC Assessment needs to demonstrate evidence of advice sought, acted on and evaluation that demonstrates the need for further intervention and provision. Your child will receive Exceptional Support and will need to have an EHC plan to be able to access this.
What does an Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle look like?
Your child is at the centre of every decision we make. We know that it is important that both you and they are involved in the decisions made to support them. You and your child will be invited to regular (at least half termly) Assess, Plan, Do, Review meetings to look at what support your child needs, what they already have in place and what further support may or may not be needed. In the attachments are what each Assess, Plan, Do, Review meeting might look like.